Alumni Chapter

The rich legacy of any institution lies with its timeless ties connecting the past to the future and strengthening enduring bonds. Modern Delhi International School takes pride in the fact that it has forged lasting relationships which have shaped the lives of all those who have walked through its halls.

Reconnecting and reminiscing on cherished memories, the Alumni bears testimony to the impact of our institution extending far beyond its walls. As the alumni’s heartwarming exchanges and anecdotes enliven the institution’s glorious history, the spirit of camaraderie remind us of the powerful community we have built. The proud alumni’s piece of journey from treasured moments to their professional and personal milestones have been the driving force for us. It has not just provided us a unique opportunity to honour the collective success of our past members but also foster new connections and inspire future endeavours.

Modern Delhi International School Faridabad was established in 2006, and has emerged as the premier institution in Delhi NCR due to its glorious track record scholastic and co-scholastic activities. The 1st step counts the most in any saga of victory. It is the grit and courage, virtue and attributes of great minds with lofty ideals that led to the conception of this humble abode, Modern Delhi International School.

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